Wednesday, March 5, 2008 win some you lose some

I just took Finn in to JC Penney to get his 6 month pictures (even though he's 3 days away from 7 months...yeah I'm a slacker). Long story short, his appointment ended up being right around nap time which equals crappy pictures. He was all smiles before we got to the studio...but as soon as he saw the camera, his once jovial expression turned to complete boredom. He seriously just stared at the camera for every shot...oh, except for the one shot of him crying, let's not forget that. I actually almost ordered that one but decided to go for the 'confused/tongue-sticking-out-a-little/half-smiling' shot instead. Here are some shots I took recently to prove that he really can take cute pictures!

This is the classic 'sucked-in-bottom-lip' smile. It is always accompanied by an 'mm-mmm' sound. I know it makes him look prrrretty funky, but Aaron and I love it!


davis said...

and why wouldn't he smile with a mom like that?!?

what a handsome little man!

Anonymous said...

look at those cheeks! he is a doll. i haven't ventured to get the professional photos yet... does jcpenney usually have the best deals?

ec said...

amen to davis and quinton. you are hot ash!

looking forward to the wedding!

The Prigmore Family said...

Luke is 1 1/2 and he STILL hasn't had professional photos taken - you are doing way better than us. Finn is so cute, you just want to nuzzle him.


Meghan said...

Finn is soooo cute!!! I say just frame that second picture on your post. It's adorable!

Andi Kate, Children's Author said...

I stopped doing the professional picture thing after this sweet highlight: Picture the "photographer" at the camera, holding a plastic duck and SAYING--completely devoid of expression--"squeak, squeak" (not actually squeezing it).

Or maybe I got turned off after waiting at Kiddie Kandids until my kid had a severe blowout in his otherwise adorable santa suit.

Your camera takes sweet pictures, do what I do. Hold a photo sesh in your living room around 10am or 4pm with the blinds open and all lights blazing. Works for us. :) No lines, blowouts are easily taken care of, and who knows best how and when your child will smile? :) Bonne chance.

Jobi Niu said...

He is to die for!! I LOVE him! Him and Bryton totally need to hang out! I'm sad I couldn't come to Suz's shower :(

Lisa Johnson said...

He TOTALLY has your eyes. He is just so stinking cute I wish I could come visit and just kiss on his kissable cheeks. Isn't being a mom so fun?