Last weekend Aaron and I went to Vegas for his step-sister's wedding. We had such a blast! She got married in the "Viva Las Vegas" wedding chapel by Elvis himself. The ceremony was so cheesy and so incredibly fantastic...I loved every minute of it. After the vows, Elvis busted into singing "Viva Las Vegas" while the happy couple danced in celebration. He even had the congregation join in for the chorus! Picture a bunch of people sitting in Sunday dress raising the roof while belting out "Viva Las Vegas!"...it was so awesome. Here is a video:
We are so happy for Nikki and Aaron...looks like their marriage will be an adventure!
Outside the "Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel."
After the ceremony, we met at an Irish Pub for the reception. It took FOREVER for the food to be ready, but we had a great time visiting with the fam while we were waiting. Luckily my pregnant self was sitting right by the food line, so I was taken care of :) Me and my sister-in-laws: Julia, Jessica (Brooklyn) and Bobbi.
Matt and Aaron after a few too many...root beers that is. They couldn't pass up a fake drunk pose since it looked like actual beer...I'd say they pulled it off. I think this picture is hilarious.
After the reception we went to see Penn & Teller at the Rio. The show was awesome! It is not just a regular magic show...they are both great performers and they even show you how a few of their tricks are accomplished. We were all thoroughly entertained...I would recommend it to anyone!

After the show we went back and visited with the fam in our hotel until 3 in the morning. The night before the wedding, we also had a great time walking around Vegas. We ate a really nice dinner and Aaron even let me ride the New York New York Roller Coaster with the gals. All in all it was a fantastic trip...we were sad to see it end!
Oh Ash! I loved that post! It brought back the memories from my ghetto wedding. Oh man, I want to go back to Vegas!! SO FUN! Miss you!
First, your dress is so cute! Second, I WANT those sunglasses! And, in closing, I am excited that there is a Vegas show that both doesn't blow the bank AND is genuinely entertaining. Penn--you may not be a dancer, but thanks for still being an entertainer! (and a GIANT, I might add...)
Wow, Matt and Aaron really did pull that off well! I would hate to see what they would be like if they were really drunk! Also, Penn is a giant, and that picture makes his face so much different from far away...kind of funny looking!
Hey, don't knock the Pennmeister.
i'm jealous. i wish elvis had attended my wedding. by the way, i loved seeing finn chase that cat around - does that make you want to get another 'kevin'? maybe a harold? or a bruce?
What an awesome story! I would love to hear you guys tell it in person ;)
so fun!
i want to go back there ... it's been too long, and i was barely prego and soo stinkin' tired the last time we were there.
and yes, your dress is adorable.
That was such a fun trip...I'm sooo glad we got to go. That roller coaster was sure amazing, but the funnest part of our trip was visiting with you guys!
You are so brave to ride that roller coaster - it looks scary! And I didn't realize that Penn was such a big guy - good perspective standing next to Aaron whose height I know! Sounds like so much fun, and I too think you look smashing in the green dress.
Can you email me pictures that you guys took?
what an adventure your whole trip was!!
hey, penn was in a lois and clark episode long ago. haha.
hey, we'll see you in june! hope you'll be around! you guys look great!
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